Well Done Everyone

26 September 2010 |

Final Game for R.O'G ?

28 July 2010 |

Fancy a big turn out for a game Sunday to see Rog off and welcome Jamie back ?

Cricket Nets tonight

2 July 2010 |

Get down to nets at Harrold - tonight 2-7-2010 at 19:00

in order of priority:

  • Sledging
  • Batting
  • Bowling

Bing Vs Bandanaman

16 June 2010 |

Its all kicked off. Please you two listen to these wise words

Rugby Ad

15 June 2010 |

Looks like Neilly has still got his focus, well done sir

The Big Grudge

12 June 2010 |

Looks like Cricket is on for 17th July. Big Al and Neily to get their sledging technique honed asap.
Planning session in Three Fyshes


Time and date to be announced

9 June 2010 |

From Sunil:
There will be cricket fixture on the dates below where the artificial turf will be used. We will not be able to use Harrold Playing Fields on these dates. I suggest we use Emmaus.
23rd May, 13th, 20th June and the 18th July

The Charity Cycle Crawl

23 May 2010 |


Click here 
 to go to the Charity Crawl web site for more info

Weds training is about to commence

25 March 2010 |

Good result at Cranfield Uni on the whole last Sunday, well done  chaps.

Turn out on Sunday mornings over the winter has not been tippity-top but is improving.

El Capitano points out it is time to start our Wednesday training now. So have a think about your diaries and come up with a definate 'I can do Wednesdays' or at least some dates you can commit to so we can keep put sensible numbers out regularly. Don't forget the added benfit of supporting your local pub on a Wednesday eveing/thursday morning. 

Anyone seen Adam's car/bike ?

In Touch - Our Weekly Bulletin on matters Rugby

21 February 2010 |

Bit of a coup this week. We managed to sign the-bing-on-the-wing Bowman on a free transfer. What a pleasant surprise amidst the snow and mud to see the Legend turn up for his debut for our club. Yes OUR club! You have to pinch yourself don't you? So how did he play? It is very difficult to find any real weaknesses in the man's game, unsurprising perhaps bearing in mind his long sporting pedigree. After only minutes in to the game Mike was able to take a early pass and head for the try line with no hint of having seen that said pass was clearly forward.

free Beer

8 February 2010 |

Pierre will be quite old tomorrow.
Get up t'fox weds 10:00 about 21:00 I shall be purchasing drinks